Para mi es fundamental tener una buena bilioteca de geometría computacional a mano. Hace un año, laburando en un programita para seguir objetos en videos, me topé con CGAL y desde entonces es mi primera referencia a la hora de programar cuestiones geométricas (mallas, manipulacion de polígonos, etc...). CGAL está escrita en C++ y a veces programar es un poco tedioso debido al caracter declarativo del lenguaje. Por esta razón, últimamente estuve probando la versión para Python y estoy tratando de hacer funciones para GNU Octave (todavía sin éxito) ... versión en Español
Uno de los algoritmos que más me gustan (y que más he usado) de CGAL son las «formas alfa» (alpha shapes). Dada una nube de puntos ¿Cuál es el polígono (con vértices en puntos de la nube) que describe el borde (o contorno) de la nube? La Figura 1 ilustra el problema y una posible respuesta intuitiva (con el famoso método de unir los puntos con líneas).
Este algoritmo también se puede aplicar a nubes de puntos en 3D y CGAL trae una lista impresionante de funciones de manipulación de formas alfa. Sin embargo en 2D, obtener el polígono suele ser una pregunta fecuente en blogs y listas de mail. El siguiente código muestra una solución al problema en C++ (no pretendo ser eficiente! se agradecen correciones y mejorías):
El código que sigue hace lo mismo pero con Python. Como estoy compartiendo el código con un colega, lo escribí un poco mas estructurado
Si bien parece la misma cantidad de código, la parte que ejecuta la forma alfa es mucho mas corta y simple. Luego viene todo un código que fui inventando para obtener los vertices ordenados de tal forma que sea facil hacer un dibujo del borde. El resultado de usar este algoritmo con un valor para alfa de 0.01 lo muestro en la Figura 2. Usando el valor óptimo, dado por el algoritmo, se ve en la Figura 3.
Este algoritmo también se puede aplicar a nubes de puntos en 3D y CGAL trae una lista impresionante de funciones de manipulación de formas alfa. Sin embargo en 2D, obtener el polígono suele ser una pregunta fecuente en blogs y listas de mail. El siguiente código muestra una solución al problema en C++ (no pretendo ser eficiente! se agradecen correciones y mejorías):
//CGAL #include < CGAL/basic.h > #include < CGAL/Cartesian.h > #include < CGAL/squared_distance_2.h > #include < CGAL/Delaunay_triangulation_2.h > #include < CGAL/Alpha_shape_2.h > #include < CGAL/IO/io.h > #include < CGAL/Regular_triangulation_2.h > #include < CGAL/Regular_triangulation_vertex_base_2.h > #include < CGAL/Regular_triangulation_face_base_2.h > #include < CGAL/Triangulation_2.h > #include < CGAL/Triangulation_face_base_2.h > #include < CGAL/Triangulation_euclidean_traits_2.h > #include < CGAL/Alpha_shape_vertex_base_2.h > #include < CGAL/Alpha_shape_face_base_2.h> #include < CGAL/point_generators_2.h > #include < CGAL/Kernel/function_objects.h > // STL #include < fstream > #include < string > #include < vector > // Typedefstypedef double Coord_type; typedef CGAL::Cartesian< coord_type > Rep; typedef Rep::Point_2 Point_2; typedef Rep::Vector_2 Vector_2; typedef Rep::Segment_2 Segment; typedef Rep::Line_2 Line; typedef Rep::Triangle_2 Triangle; typedef Rep::Less_xy_2 Point_compare; typedef CGAL::Triangulation_2< rep > Triangulation; typedef std::list< point_2 > CGALPointlist; //Delaunay triangulationtypedef Rep Gt; typedef CGAL::Alpha_shape_vertex_base_2< gt > Vb; typedef CGAL::Triangulation_face_base_2< gt > Df; typedef CGAL::Alpha_shape_face_base_2< Gt, Df > Fb; typedef CGAL::Triangulation_default_data_structure_2< Gt,Vb,Fb > Tds; typedef CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_2< Gt,Tds > Delaunay; //Alpha shape and the types typedef CGAL::Alpha_shape_2< delaunay > Alpha_shape; typedef Alpha_shape::Face Face; typedef Alpha_shape::Vertex Vertex; typedef Alpha_shape::Edge Edge; typedef Alpha_shape::Face_handle Face_handle; typedef Alpha_shape::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef Alpha_shape::Face_circulator Face_circulator; typedef Alpha_shape::Vertex_circulator Vertex_circulator; typedef Alpha_shape::Locate_type Locate_type; typedef Alpha_shape::Face_iterator Face_iterator; typedef Alpha_shape::Vertex_iterator Vertex_iterator; typedef Alpha_shape::Edge_iterator Edge_iterator; typedef Alpha_shape::Edge_circulator Edge_circulator; typedef Alpha_shape::Alpha_iterator Alpha_iterator; // Here define your favorite vector typedef struct Vector{ double x; double y; double z; } vect; using namespace std; void alpha_shape(vector< vect > cloud, vector< vect > & vert, int & count) { Delaunay tr1; CGALPointlist L; Alpha_shape A; //this is the alpha value for //the alpha_shape double alpha_index; CGAL::set_ascii_mode(std::cout); // We load the points of the cloud into a CGAL Point List int N = cloud.size(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { Point_2 p(cloud[i].x,cloud[i].y); L.push_back(p); } //We make the alpha-shape here A.make_alpha_shape(L.begin(), L.end()); // This find the minimum value for alpha // such that there is only one connected component // that can have holes Alpha_iterator opt = A.find_optimal_alpha(1); cout << "Optimal alpha value to get one connected component is " <<*opt<< endl; alpha_index=*opt; A.set_mode(Alpha_shape::REGULARIZED); A.set_alpha(alpha_index); Alpha_shape::Alpha_shape_edges_iterator it = A.alpha_shape_edges_begin(); int Anumedges=1; // **** //What next is building the boundary in order // Is there a more efficient way of doing this? // **** // Count the number of edges. for(;it!=A.alpha_shape_edges_end();it++) Anumedges++; //Order the vertices Alpha_shape::Alpha_shape_edges_iterator et = A.alpha_shape_edges_begin(); it = A.alpha_shape_edges_begin(); CGALPointlist vertices; int acount=0; vertices.push_back((A.segment(*et)).vertex(0)); while(acount < Anumedges) { while(A.segment(*et).vertex(1) != A.segment(*it).vertex(0)) it++; vertices.push_back((A.segment(*it)).vertex(0)); acount++; et = it; it = A.alpha_shape_edges_begin(); } count = acount; int i = 0; vect temp; for(CGALPointlist::iterator ip=vertices.begin(); ip!=vertices.end();ip++) { temp.x = (*ip).x(); temp.y=(*ip).y(); vert.push_back(temp); } return; }Ok, no creo que haga falta decir que el codigo es grande, no? Uno puede poner los «include» y demas cosas en un archivo aparte, pero sigue siendo bastante molesto. Pero bueno, funciona muy bien.
El código que sigue hace lo mismo pero con Python. Como estoy compartiendo el código con un colega, lo escribí un poco mas estructurado
''' Border of a set of points using Alpha shapes ''' from __future__ import division from CGAL.Kernel import * from CGAL.Triangulations_2 import * from CGAL.Alpha_shapes_2 import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from numpy import mod def get_border(L, alpha=None,interactive=False): print 'Number of points in list ', len(L) A = Alpha_shape_2() A.make_alpha_shape(L) op = A.find_optimal_alpha(1) if alpha == None: alpha = print 'Optimal alpha value to get one connected component is ', \ alpha else: print 'Using provided alpha value ',alpha print 'Optimal alpha value to get one connected component is ', \ m = A.set_mode() A.set_mode(m.REGULARIZED) A.set_alpha(alpha) # Get the vertices ordered by edges incidence alpha_shape_vertices = [] for it in A.alpha_shape_vertices: alpha_shape_vertices.append(it) print 'Vertices in alpha-shape ', len(alpha_shape_vertices) if interactive: while True: plt.ion() plt.figure(1) plt.clf() xo = [p.x() for p in L] yo = [p.y() for p in L] x = [p.point().x() for p in alpha_shape_vertices] y = [p.point().y() for p in alpha_shape_vertices] plt.plot(xo,yo,'or',x,y,'ob') try: alpha = float(raw_input('New alpha value [Enter = finish]: ')) except ValueError: break A.set_alpha(alpha) # Get the vertices ordered by edges incidence alpha_shape_vertices = [] for it in A.alpha_shape_vertices: alpha_shape_vertices.append(it) print 'Vertices in alpha-shape ', len(alpha_shape_vertices) return A,alpha def orderAlphaShape(A,L): print 'Ordering border. This may take a while...' # Get the vertices ordered by edges incidence alpha_shape_edges = [] alpha_shape_vertices = [] for it in A.alpha_shape_edges: alpha_shape_edges.append(A.segment(it)) for it in A.alpha_shape_vertices: alpha_shape_vertices.append(it.point()) nver = len(alpha_shape_vertices) incidency = list() ind = 0 for edge in alpha_shape_edges: vert1 = edge.vertex(0) vert2 = edge.vertex(1) incidency.append([alpha_shape_vertices.index(vert1),alpha_shape_vertices.index(vert2)]) border = list() borders = list() border_index = list() indeces = list() vert1 = [ i[0] for i in incidency] vert2 = [ i[1] for i in incidency] i = 0 while len(border) < nver: vert = alpha_shape_vertices[vert1[i]] if vert not in border: border.append(vert) border_index.append(L.index(vert)) vert1.pop(i) vert = vert2[i] vert2.pop(i) try: i = vert1.index(vert) except ValueError: print "Found inital vertex!", vert border.append(alpha_shape_vertices[vert]) borders.append(border) indeces.append(border_index) border = list() border_index = list() if len(vert1) == 0: break else: i = 0 return borders, indeces def main(infile, outfile, alpha=None,interactive=None): #read the data L = list() with open(infile,'r') as f: for line in f: s = line.split() arg = [] for n in s: if n != ' ': arg.append(float(n)) L.append(Point_2(arg[0],arg[1])) f.close() # Get vertices in alpha shape [A,alpha] = get_border(L,alpha,interactive) # Get the ordered border and the indeces of the vertices # in the border in the original list [borders, indeces]=orderAlphaShape(A,L) # Different borders (like holes ar multiple components) # are sublists of borders #write output nborder=0 with open(outfile,'w') as f: for border,index in zip(borders,indeces): if nborder > 0: info = 'NaN NaN NaN\n' f.write(info) nborder += 1 for p,i in zip(border,index): info = str(i) + ' ' + str(p.x()) + ' ' + \ str(p.y()) + '\n' f.write(info) f.close() return borders
Si bien parece la misma cantidad de código, la parte que ejecuta la forma alfa es mucho mas corta y simple. Luego viene todo un código que fui inventando para obtener los vertices ordenados de tal forma que sea facil hacer un dibujo del borde. El resultado de usar este algoritmo con un valor para alfa de 0.01 lo muestro en la Figura 2. Usando el valor óptimo, dado por el algoritmo, se ve en la Figura 3.
One of the features I have used the most from CGAL is the 2D Alpha-shapes. Alpha-shapes are the answer to the problem of finding the boundary of a cloud of points. In Figure 1 I show a cloud of points randomly distributed on the unit disk and a boundary that may have been drawn by a person by linking points with segments (but it wasn't! :D).
The following C++ code (partly taken from the CGAL examples) does the work, but is a little bit long (I wonder how bad is my way of ordering the boundary! help here?)
Quite long, uh? But it works nicely. Now the next Python snippet does a similar job, but since I am sharing this code with colleagues, i did it a little bit more structured.
The code runs quite fast, except for my part of the code, for the ordering of the border. I have to work on that! I put the results on Figures 1 and 2. Figure 1 is made using a value for alpha of 0.01, and Figure 2 is using the optimal value. Do you see the diferences?
//CGAL #include < CGAL/basic.h > #include < CGAL/Cartesian.h > #include < CGAL/squared_distance_2.h > #include < CGAL/Delaunay_triangulation_2.h > #include < CGAL/Alpha_shape_2.h > #include < CGAL/IO/io.h > #include < CGAL/Regular_triangulation_2.h > #include < CGAL/Regular_triangulation_vertex_base_2.h > #include < CGAL/Regular_triangulation_face_base_2.h > #include < CGAL/Triangulation_2.h > #include < CGAL/Triangulation_face_base_2.h > #include < CGAL/Triangulation_euclidean_traits_2.h > #include < CGAL/Alpha_shape_vertex_base_2.h > #include < CGAL/Alpha_shape_face_base_2.h> #include < CGAL/point_generators_2.h > #include < CGAL/Kernel/function_objects.h > // STL #include < fstream > #include < string > #include < vector > // Typedefstypedef double Coord_type; typedef CGAL::Cartesian< coord_type > Rep; typedef Rep::Point_2 Point_2; typedef Rep::Vector_2 Vector_2; typedef Rep::Segment_2 Segment; typedef Rep::Line_2 Line; typedef Rep::Triangle_2 Triangle; typedef Rep::Less_xy_2 Point_compare; typedef CGAL::Triangulation_2< rep > Triangulation; typedef std::list< point_2 > CGALPointlist; //Delaunay triangulationtypedef Rep Gt; typedef CGAL::Alpha_shape_vertex_base_2< gt > Vb; typedef CGAL::Triangulation_face_base_2< gt > Df; typedef CGAL::Alpha_shape_face_base_2< Gt, Df > Fb; typedef CGAL::Triangulation_default_data_structure_2< Gt,Vb,Fb > Tds; typedef CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_2< Gt,Tds > Delaunay; //Alpha shape and the types typedef CGAL::Alpha_shape_2< delaunay > Alpha_shape; typedef Alpha_shape::Face Face; typedef Alpha_shape::Vertex Vertex; typedef Alpha_shape::Edge Edge; typedef Alpha_shape::Face_handle Face_handle; typedef Alpha_shape::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef Alpha_shape::Face_circulator Face_circulator; typedef Alpha_shape::Vertex_circulator Vertex_circulator; typedef Alpha_shape::Locate_type Locate_type; typedef Alpha_shape::Face_iterator Face_iterator; typedef Alpha_shape::Vertex_iterator Vertex_iterator; typedef Alpha_shape::Edge_iterator Edge_iterator; typedef Alpha_shape::Edge_circulator Edge_circulator; typedef Alpha_shape::Alpha_iterator Alpha_iterator; // Here define your favorite vector typedef struct Vector{ double x; double y; double z; } vect; using namespace std; void alpha_shape(vector< vect > cloud, vector< vect > & vert, int & count) { Delaunay tr1; CGALPointlist L; Alpha_shape A; //this is the alpha value for //the alpha_shape double alpha_index; CGAL::set_ascii_mode(std::cout); // We load the points of the cloud into a CGAL Point List int N = cloud.size(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { Point_2 p(cloud[i].x,cloud[i].y); L.push_back(p); } //We make the alpha-shape here A.make_alpha_shape(L.begin(), L.end()); // This find the minimum value for alpha // such that there is only one connected component // that can have holes Alpha_iterator opt = A.find_optimal_alpha(1); cout << "Optimal alpha value to get one connected component is " <<*opt<< endl; alpha_index=*opt; A.set_mode(Alpha_shape::REGULARIZED); A.set_alpha(alpha_index); Alpha_shape::Alpha_shape_edges_iterator it = A.alpha_shape_edges_begin(); int Anumedges=1; // **** //What next is building the boundary in order // Is there a more efficient way of doing this? // **** // Count the number of edges. for(;it!=A.alpha_shape_edges_end();it++) Anumedges++; //Order the vertices Alpha_shape::Alpha_shape_edges_iterator et = A.alpha_shape_edges_begin(); it = A.alpha_shape_edges_begin(); CGALPointlist vertices; int acount=0; vertices.push_back((A.segment(*et)).vertex(0)); while(acount < Anumedges) { while(A.segment(*et).vertex(1) != A.segment(*it).vertex(0)) it++; vertices.push_back((A.segment(*it)).vertex(0)); acount++; et = it; it = A.alpha_shape_edges_begin(); } count = acount; int i = 0; vect temp; for(CGALPointlist::iterator ip=vertices.begin(); ip!=vertices.end();ip++) { temp.x = (*ip).x(); temp.y=(*ip).y(); vert.push_back(temp); } return; }
Quite long, uh? But it works nicely. Now the next Python snippet does a similar job, but since I am sharing this code with colleagues, i did it a little bit more structured.
''' Border of a set of points using Alpha shapes ''' from __future__ import division from CGAL.Kernel import * from CGAL.Triangulations_2 import * from CGAL.Alpha_shapes_2 import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from numpy import mod def get_border(L, alpha=None,interactive=False): print 'Number of points in list ', len(L) A = Alpha_shape_2() A.make_alpha_shape(L) op = A.find_optimal_alpha(1) if alpha == None: alpha = print 'Optimal alpha value to get one connected component is ', \ alpha else: print 'Using provided alpha value ',alpha print 'Optimal alpha value to get one connected component is ', \ m = A.set_mode() A.set_mode(m.REGULARIZED) A.set_alpha(alpha) # Get the vertices ordered by edges incidence alpha_shape_vertices = [] for it in A.alpha_shape_vertices: alpha_shape_vertices.append(it) print 'Vertices in alpha-shape ', len(alpha_shape_vertices) if interactive: while True: plt.ion() plt.figure(1) plt.clf() xo = [p.x() for p in L] yo = [p.y() for p in L] x = [p.point().x() for p in alpha_shape_vertices] y = [p.point().y() for p in alpha_shape_vertices] plt.plot(xo,yo,'or',x,y,'ob') try: alpha = float(raw_input('New alpha value [Enter = finish]: ')) except ValueError: break A.set_alpha(alpha) # Get the vertices ordered by edges incidence alpha_shape_vertices = [] for it in A.alpha_shape_vertices: alpha_shape_vertices.append(it) print 'Vertices in alpha-shape ', len(alpha_shape_vertices) return A,alpha def orderAlphaShape(A,L): print 'Ordering border. This may take a while...' # Get the vertices ordered by edges incidence alpha_shape_edges = [] alpha_shape_vertices = [] for it in A.alpha_shape_edges: alpha_shape_edges.append(A.segment(it)) for it in A.alpha_shape_vertices: alpha_shape_vertices.append(it.point()) nver = len(alpha_shape_vertices) incidency = list() ind = 0 for edge in alpha_shape_edges: vert1 = edge.vertex(0) vert2 = edge.vertex(1) incidency.append([alpha_shape_vertices.index(vert1),alpha_shape_vertices.index(vert2)]) border = list() borders = list() border_index = list() indeces = list() vert1 = [ i[0] for i in incidency] vert2 = [ i[1] for i in incidency] i = 0 while len(border) < nver: vert = alpha_shape_vertices[vert1[i]] if vert not in border: border.append(vert) border_index.append(L.index(vert)) vert1.pop(i) vert = vert2[i] vert2.pop(i) try: i = vert1.index(vert) except ValueError: print "Found inital vertex!", vert border.append(alpha_shape_vertices[vert]) borders.append(border) indeces.append(border_index) border = list() border_index = list() if len(vert1) == 0: break else: i = 0 return borders, indeces def main(infile, outfile, alpha=None,interactive=None): #read the data L = list() with open(infile,'r') as f: for line in f: s = line.split() arg = [] for n in s: if n != ' ': arg.append(float(n)) L.append(Point_2(arg[0],arg[1])) f.close() # Get vertices in alpha shape [A,alpha] = get_border(L,alpha,interactive) # Get the ordered border and the indeces of the vertices # in the border in the original list [borders, indeces]=orderAlphaShape(A,L) # Different borders (like holes ar multiple components) # are sublists of borders #write output nborder=0 with open(outfile,'w') as f: for border,index in zip(borders,indeces): if nborder > 0: info = 'NaN NaN NaN\n' f.write(info) nborder += 1 for p,i in zip(border,index): info = str(i) + ' ' + str(p.x()) + ' ' + \ str(p.y()) + '\n' f.write(info) f.close() return borders
The code runs quite fast, except for my part of the code, for the ordering of the border. I have to work on that! I put the results on Figures 1 and 2. Figure 1 is made using a value for alpha of 0.01, and Figure 2 is using the optimal value. Do you see the diferences?
Fig 1. Alpha-shape for a set of 1000 random points uniformly distributed on the unit disk. The value of alpha is 0.01.
Fig 2. Alpha-shape for a set of 1000 random points uniformly distributed on the unit disk, using the optimal value for alpha.
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